
Why your belly fat not going away ? Try this

Why your belly fat not going away ? Try this Hello everyone i am sharing my experience of bodybuilding and lifestyle .
You can also give it a try for this however,
Whatever i share on my podcast is coming from my personal experience and watching my favourite pro bodybuilders.
I have always recommend what i have taken and experimented on myself . you dont have to do exactly what i do .

You can follow my workout , diet or lifestyle or not its all upto you . I am not a nutritionist or trainer .however i share my personal experience here on my youtube channel because i find this is the best tool to connect with my community.

The exercise is quite simple. Here’s how to do it:
1. The stomach vacuum can be performed either with your hands and knees on the floor or standing upright with your hands resting on a table – it’s important your back stays curved during this exercise
2. First, blow out all the air from your lungs and squeeze your diaphragm
3. Next, suck in your stomach and try to expand your lungs as if you were breathing in. But don’t let in any air!
4. Use your diaphragm to suck in your stomach tightly (think of the iconic body builder pose, this should help with your form)
5. Hold this for about 10 seconds
6. Next, release and take a few deep breaths to recover
7. Repeat the exercise
8. Start off with 3 sets of 5 repetitions

Links of the Products i use
Blue light block sun glasses 👉🏼

Eye mask 👉🏼

hair trimmer i use

Whey protein i use

Whey isolate i use in post workout

peanut butter i use

Eaa i use

Creatine hcl


Instagram - › aish_...Web resultsAish Mehan (@aish_mehan) • Instagram photos and videos

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