WARNING: Don't Even Think About Getting on the Figure Stage Until you Have Checked OUt this FREE Figure Masterclass! .
* Is Figure the RIGHT Fit for You? Learn how to know.
* Winning Attributes of a Figure Competitor, You can Train them!
* Suit, Color, Shoes and the BEST you on Stage!
Promoting 100% drug tested, natural bodybuilding, physique, figure, and bikini contests since 2005. Our drug free contests start on time and run in a well-organized fashion.
Looking to Enter our events or for Contest Prep?
Both the OCB Midwest States and Spring Naturals are OCB Pro Qualifiers. Our events are established enough that OCB Pro Cards are awarded!
OCB Midwest States OCB Pro Qualifier
Started in 2005 this contest is the Saturday before Thanksgiving every year. Easy to remember, and before the holidays.
OCB Spring Natural OCB Pro Qualifier
Every spring, usually in mid April!
Both events are at the historic and national landmark Egyptian Theatre in DeKalb. The Egyptian Theatre has been described as offering the best lighting and stage experience in the bodybuilding, physique, bikini and figure competition world.