
Catalogue of Services webinar on the Single Digital Gateway data model | 11 February 2020

Catalogue of Services webinar on the Single Digital Gateway data model | 11 February 2020 Catalogue of Services is an ISA² action that aims to analyse obstacles, benefits and feasibility of developing a catalogue of public services at the national and European level.
More information can be found on the Joinup page:

This webinar was organised to support Member States by proposing a common data model that complies with the Single Digital Gateway Regulation. The model is now open for review until 18/02/2020 on GitHub:
Member States are not obliged to use this data model but are advised to do so.

If you would like to join our mailing list, please register here:
This will ensure you will be invited to our next webinars and be kept up to date with the Catalogue of Services activities.

In this video you can find:
An overview of the activities of the webinar [0:00]
Agenda [4:00]
SDG Model [33:53]
SDG Model Discussion [42:20]
Wrap-up [1:58:12]

Interoperability,e-government,IT solutions,Digital public services,

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