![Aquaman Vs Wonder Woman Would Be Dumb - Change My Mind: Nerd Edition LIVE! Aquaman Vs Wonder Woman Would Be Dumb - Change My Mind: Nerd Edition LIVE!](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Uwg2h79wMH8/maxresdefault.jpg)
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@PopcornedPlanet is the new unbiased, centered home of Andy Signore, the wrongfully canceled creator of ScreenJunkies, Honest Trailers, MovieFights, Man At Arms and more. You can learn about Andy’s journey here:
Popcorned Planet is the part of the Purple Pill Network, a group of channels that instead of focusing on constant extremes, offers a more centered view on all things Movies, TV & Pop Culture including more socio-political topics.
Andy's also currently working on an interview series titled Hugging The Cactus, as well as a documentary, all detailing the dangers of Cancel Culture which you can learn more here:
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