
Meditation to un-funk your mind

Meditation to un-funk your mind This is a 6 minute practice to help shift a funky mood; a practice to help connect you with a deeper sense of meaning and purpose and a catalyst for inspired action.

Feeling underwhelmed with life?
Do you have a sense of being disconnected from a sense of meaning and purpose?

I’ve felt this way too… I’ve felt a sense of heaviness, a depressed mood. From time to time, I question my value and my worth. Sometimes I feel an almost apathetic existential crisis when I question my life and its meaning. I know that heavy feeling and I know that you don’t want to linger there too long. I know now that when reach that mood, that it's time for me to utilise some tools to shift the funk and climb to a lighter state of being and create more goodness for the world.

Because I needed a tool to shift this funk and move into a brighter, clearer sense of direction, I created a simple inner-inquiry meditation practice.

I’ve trained myself to ask big questions in life and have cultivated an attitude of wonder and curiosity. In fact, I believe this attitude of inquiry is one of the greatest skills that you can develop.

Do this practice as often as you need it. In time, you may feel confident enough to tweak this practice to suit your needs and add your own big-potent questions of life.

The actual practice begins at about 3m20s mark if you want to skip the intro chat. Make sure you have a journal handy and be prepared to pause the video at any time.


One of the best ways to create clarity and space in your mind is to take a retreat, a dedicated time and space away from the daily habits and routine, roles and responsibilities of your life.
Join me in Southern Sri Lanka this September 8-14th.
Details on my website:


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