
How to start learning digital marketing in 2020

How to start learning digital marketing in 2020 This is a video series.

How to start learning #digitalmarketing in 2020
Do it!

​​Start by doing it right away. Think like a businessman. Think of a business idea and start.

Create a website: Buy a URL,​ host your website on Wordpress, in less than 10$ dollar you can buy a domain and convert any blog to a website​, Learning WordPress will also help you understand how WordPress hosting works.​ Install google analytics,​ install your twitter plugin to WordPress add a link to your fan page, explore as much as you can.

Learn what other online jewellery businesses are doing, use ready WordPress template, research on youtube or refer a course and create Home, Product, enquiry, and about us pages. Get your website running. To use the ready template we don't need technical skills. Here is how I used my own advice

Digital Marketer Nidhi Wordpress

Do Search Engine Optimization: Read the theory and carefully craft the keywords for your website and blog, this will also help you attract traffic from a search engine/ Google, and Search Engine.

Search Engine Marketing: Signup for google ad words. For small business google offers free credits, you can start with it. And run google ads. To explore further, you can spend more money and run ads until you understand the essentials of google ads.

Social Media Marketing: Create an account on Facebook and Twitter, create a fan page on facebook, start learning about facebook marketing and implement the same on the page that you have created​. Don't shy away from running ads; you can easily learn about facebook ads with a minimum cost of INR 1000 or 25$. Learning by doing will help you understand the theory better.

Another personal Social Media Example

Nidhi Singh Inc.

Create a Youtube channel for free and learn Youtube SEO and Video marketing. And if you wish to learn more follow along on my Youtube channel

This is Digital Marketing

​Do email marketing: Sign up for a mail-chimp free account, upload your subscribers list, if you do not have one upload friends list and send them personal emails, see how many of them respond, how many of them open, how many click-through links, send a second email, target every time the communication shall provoke more opens and more response. You will understand how spam, open rate, and cop of the mailer dynamics work.

The above-suggested ways are all possible without taking a formal digital marketing course, but, only if you are dedicated to learning digital marketing. You would obviously need to refer youtube, Coursera or other reliable reads recommended in this thread.

Here is how I took benefit off free Mailchimp account and created a mailing list

Get started with my email newsletter

#LearnSEM #LearnSEO

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Digital Marketing,SEO,social Media marketing,learn digital marketing,career in digital markeeting,learn SEM,learn SEO,learn wordpress,digital marketing course,online marketing,digital marketing for beginners,Nidhi Singh Marketer,Marekting Nidhi singh,digital marketing jobs,Career in digital marketing,Digital marketing career path,digital marketing career in india,digital marketing in 2020,social media marketing,what is digital marketing,

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