
Heroin in Chicago devastation and drugs in general, lack of guidance and fathers = hell on earth.

Heroin in Chicago devastation and drugs in general, lack of guidance and fathers = hell on earth. This is a old video but yet another person I grew up with has died and I was erasing old videos when I rewatched this, it's really something to see yourself and your thoughts from the past and compare them to the present but I feel the same that this drug the one thing I've seen take thee most young lives is destroying a generation, these aren't always bad ppl mostly good or even great ppl who are just erased from this world, it's the saddest thing these ppl are babys 15 16 years old sometimes using a drug grown strong men cannot cope with, I ask the lord to work through me so I can be great and overcome all my shortcomings and troubles to do something so I can help, so mothers aren't burying thier children, so I pray I can be strong first and foremost for me n my lovedones and then gain the strength to help others. Currently and in the near future I understand I can only give words of encouragement as i must take care of Bill's and family n self but as a goal i would want to help familys and others get through this deadly plague, sometimes I think i must only help my family but something in me says that I can help others, I pray for the family's of those who have died due to overdose. God I'm going to give it my all to walk in faith so I can do your will my weakness and the devil will try to mess with me but I know your full protection can and has walked me through the fire relatively un scaithed, for this and all the miracles you provide I am thankful and repentant, it's because of your mercy that I am still here and still being blessed even if I feel I have been undeserving. It's in your name i wish to move forward with repentant and more thoughtfully instead of acting like i can skate thru life i am a stupid goofy man lord who does just want smiles and love for all those around me so i do behave silly, but theres really nothing funny about majority of what i see. God bless everyone i have a paypal and patreon if anyone wishes to help thx.


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