
Democratic Voters Think They Have Multiple Options For Beating Trump Next Year - Breaking News

Democratic Voters Think They Have Multiple Options For Beating Trump Next Year  - Breaking News Thanks for watching my video.
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For any copyright, please send me a message.  Former Vice President Joe Biden and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren are both largely seen by their party as capable of pulling out a win next year against President Donald Trump, according to a national HuffPost/YouGov survey taken immediately after last week’s primary debate.  Sixty percent of Democratic and Democratic-leaning voters say they think Biden is capable of winning the general election, with a virtually identical 59% saying the same of Warren. Polls taken after the previous three debates had given Biden an edge of between 6 points and 13 points on that metric. Roughly half of Democratic and Democratic-leaning voters currently think Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders is capable of winning, with a third or fewer saying the same of any of the other candidates included in the survey.  Overall, 71% of Democratic and Democratic-leaning voters name two or more candidates as capable of beating Trump, with 53% saying there are three or more viable options.  There are a few different ways for pollsters to ask questions about electability ― and when the question is about who has the highest chance of winning, Biden generally continues to dominate. In Quinnipiac’s most recent survey, for instance, 48% of Democratic and Democratic-leaning voters say Biden has the best chance of beating Trump, with just 21% saying the same of Warren.  But other polling also suggests that Biden is no longer the only candidate that most Democrats think is capable of pulling out a win. In last week’s Economist/YouGov poll, two-thirds of Democratic primary voters thought Biden would probably beat Trump, with 55% saying Warren would probably win and 54% saying the same of  Sanders. Other findings from the new HuffPost/YouGov survey:  Overall, 59% of Democratic and Democratic-leaning voters now say they have a least a good idea of whom they’ll vote for, up from 52% who said the same in September. About a third say they’re still making up their minds. An 83% majority currently say they’re at least satisfied with the 2020 Democratic field, with 45% describing themselves as enthusiastic.  As in previous surveys, Warren stands out as a potential consensus candidate, both garnering the broadest enthusiasm and causing the least consternation among members of her party. About half of Democratic and Democratic-leaning voters pick her as someone they’d be enthusiastic to see nominated, with just 9% saying they’d be upset. She’s trailed most closely on this metric by Sanders (37% enthusiastic, 19% upset), Buttigieg (30% enthusiastic, 15% upset) and Biden (37% enthusiastic, 25% upset). Gabbard attracts the most resistance among the candidates included in the survey, with about a third saying they’d be ups

Donald Trump,Bernie Sanders,Joe Biden,Elizabeth Warren,Democratic Primary,pete buttigieg,poll,

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