
Transport the objective! Paavi.ops@ASA 13.11.2019

Transport the objective! Paavi.ops@ASA 13.11.2019 An eventful event at Airsoft Arena. Paavi.ops was supposed to capture and protect our team objective upstairs and push the enemy back downstairs. We were able to push the enemy back until we got shot and the gameplay turned to a little bit more hectic route. The objective ended up at contested status before the end of the round.

Good times, good players, tight situations and lots of fun!
Verger got his cameracase hit so the image is a bit battle hardened with tacticracks on the screen.

Gear, Verger :
Primary : G&G ARP556
Secondary: Umarex Glock 17
Grenades : Airsoft Innovations Cyclone
Camera : Firefly 8SE

Gear, Apostate :
Primary : Tokyo Marui P90
Secondary : WE P99
Grenade: E-Raz
Camera : GoPro Hero5 Session

Music :
MORE MORE MORE by Punch Deck |
Music promoted by
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

airsoft,tokyo marui,gameplay,

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