
The only case in the history of ufology followed by world renowned UFO investigators -Jacques Vallee

The only case in the history of ufology followed by world renowned UFO investigators -Jacques Vallee This encounter left him with something that he can never forget.. This video features Alan Stivelman, Dr. Jacques Vallée, Juan Pérez and Paul Wallis.
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Live interview with Alan and Paul :

Witness of Another World is an intimate documentary that intends to unveil the mystery of a spectacular close encounter case witnessed by a lonely gaucho.

Filmmaker Alan Stivelman, moved by the story of Juan Pérez, decides to investigate more about the event that forced him to take refuge in the countryside for fear of contact with the phenomenon.

Dr. Jacques Vallée, a well-known scientist and researcher, participates in this documentary having met Juan more than thirty years ago. This is the only case in the history of ufology in which a witness has been studied several times during a period of 40 years, with his life and the impact of the experience documented fully.


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