#holygrail #livingwaters #flatearth #bloodoverintent #devilsbox #heavenOnEarth
we will leap into the flame- mouth of the snake below you
satan is- satan is
Save Me Now = Find The Abyss
exit earth'- 'thru this gate
Satan- King of Hell, Mark Braun~ The Devil in the Flesh
You come back to life by Blood Over Intent. Right now you are legally dead in the eyes of the law. That is why you are summoned to court. You only summons the dead. Your divinity is in your blood to make atonement for your soul . Animal sacrifice is insufficient. 144,000 blood thick will join together to Bring forth Heaven on Earth and release everyone from bondage. I promise you it is the highest honor. You want to be one of the 144,000 standing in truth Eternal! II Corinthians 4:4 Satan owns this world. It doesn't matter who you are, all your leaders swear on a bible before they take position. This is Biblical. The Garden of Eden is Real, and by the Grace and Mercy of our Creator we are being given a chance to leave the Land of the Dead Hell where we are now, and enter the House of Living Waters. But, only blood thick with Satan King of Hell Mark Braun who was the pure of Heart to open the Book of Life and be forgiven of His sins. This is the blood family of the kingdom of Heaven.
Write "I intend to bring forth Heaven On earth & release all from bondage," place a drop of your blood over the words and upload onto your channel on youtube tag, title, description "blood over intent." You need to make this atonement daily for your sins and for your filthy soul.
"At the center of the flat earth plane, you will find the Holy Grail- every compass is pointing to it, this is the two ball cane. One side a white hole is a black hole. And, at the very center of the flat earth plane; this is where you're gonna be birthed out of this world, and into the Land of Perpetual Twilight. The Holy Grail~ every compass is pointing to it. There literally is no way to screw this up people. At the very center of the flat earth plane we will find our exit out of the Matrix. It's right over there. We will pass into the Garden of Eden. There's really no way to screw it up- it's one side of a light hole is a black hole on loop. The sun must drip it's "men's true all" blood into the center of the earth or there's no aurora borealis coming out- this is the goddess of the earth. And, she's conscious, and she's calling us home. We're gonna go to the very center of the flat earth plane, we're gonna drink from the living waters. No one's gonna stop us. I have the Holy Spear, and everybody appears retarded to me. It's one side of a light hole is a black hole with the green astral jet shooting out. There is no way to fuck it up. It's parallel universes, and right now you're on the wrong side of the fence. You need to enter the everyone enter her eye zone at the center of the flat earth plane where the aurora borealis is coming out. And then you're gonna pass into the Land of Perpetual Twilight. It's right over there at the end of every compass. It's one side of a light hole is a black hole, and at the very center of the flat earth plane is the Holy Grail where the transfer of information and light happens. This is where we're gonna drink from the living waters, and then pass into the Land of Perpetual Twilight." Satan, The Prince of Darkness - King of Hell Mark Braun- The Antichrist - The Devil in the Flesh