
VAT as a Career Choice

VAT as a Career Choice VAT as a Career Choice - Part 4 of 5 of VATBox’s ”Industry Leaders Reveal” interview series
New technologies, wide-reaching regulatory reform and a dynamic global marketplace have transformed the once-staid tax profession. Tax professionals have a wide variety of career options to choose from, including joining a professional services firm as a tax consultant, working in the public sector as an auditor, joining the private sector in a corporate tax office, or combining financial knowledge with technology in the up-and-coming FinTech and RegTech industries.
With so many opportunities available, we asked VAT experts from multiple industries why they chose – and continue to choose – to make a career out of VAT. Moderated by Remco Dewaerheijt, VP Tax & Product Strategy, the discussion was part of VATBox’s thought leadership series of interviews with industry leaders about their personal views on global VAT developments.

VAT,GST,Career,Industry Leaders Reveal,VATBox,Tax professionals,how to choose a career,decision making,how to find the right career,

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