
Time to make a decision for my 993|對我最愛的993做了一個重大的決定《EMC Vlog Vol. 21》

Time to make a decision for my 993|對我最愛的993做了一個重大的決定《EMC Vlog Vol. 21》 這台993是一款特別而獨特的保時捷993。我們把整個993的重建計畫以及從第一天開始的所有工作都完整記錄下來,他的狀況非常完美,但是是時候交給下一位車主了。我和Dizzy決定出售我們心愛的993。有關更多信息,您可以觀看我們有關此993項目的第一個EMC Vlog。如果您有興趣,請與我們聯繫。 Peace!

The 993 project is truly a special and unique Porsche 993. The entire rebuild project and all the work from day one has all been documented. The condition is amazing and beautiful. However, it’s time to move onto the next one. Dizzy and I have made a decision to sell our beloved 993.For more info, you can watch our very first EMC Vlog about this 993 project. If you are seriously interested, please contact us. Peace.

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First EMC Vlog about this 993 project 《EMC Vlog Vol. 1》:

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