8. Whale Population
SeaWorld is home to many Orca whales But you’d be surprised at how many live at the parks. SeaWorld San Diego has 10, Corky II (the oldest), Ulises, Orkid, Nakai, Ikaika, Kalia, Keet, Shouka, Makani, and Amaya (the youngest). Orlando has 5, Makaio, Malia, Trua, Katina, and Nalani. San Antonio has 5, Kyuquot (Ky for short), Takara, Sakari, Tuar, and Kamea. All of SeaWorld’s whales range from 4 years to over 50 years old, and as of 2019, SeaWorld has stated they will no longer be using Orcas for shows, only experiences and educational purposes. Orcas aren’t the only kind of whales SeaWorld has. They have pilot whales, grey whales, white sided pacific dolphins, and they have belugas on display at the San Antonio park that you can even swim with.
7. Where do they live?
These whales are pretty impressive, but where do they live within the park? SeaWorld San Diego has 5 main pools which vary in size, but collectively, they hold over 5,820,000 gallons! The deepest pool, Pool A, or the Show Pool, is about 35 feet deep, 170 feet long, and 80 feet wide. It holds 2,200,000 gallons. The smallest pool is the medical pool, or Pool D. It’s only 9 feet deep, 53 feet long, and 25 feet wide holding 80,000 gallons. The whales don’t spend too much time in the Medical pool, just long enough to be treated, and then sent back with the pod.