
Texturing Theory 101 - Understanding Texture Maps and Channels

Texturing Theory 101 - Understanding Texture Maps and Channels This video is for people that are fairly new to texturing or want a refresher on what certain channels and map do for an object. From the very basics of looking at texture reference we go through every single channel you usually come across, what those maps usually look like and how to create them yourself.

If your a beginner when it comes to texture or just want a refresher then this video is for you. Texturing can be quite a complex subject so I try and break it down as simply as possible into the basics of the theory behind it.

I go over the following maps:
Bump and Displacement,
Spec Roughness,
and Masks.

I will be doing a video on image depth, file formats and colour space so subscribe for that when I finally finish writing the script.

For more indepth info on these topics check out Substances brilliant PBR guide:

For a tutorial on how to Channel Pack multiple masks inside of Mari, check out my video here:

If you have any questions please feel free to leave them below, and be sure to subscribe for more modelling and texturing tutorials :)

My name is Michael Wilde and I'm a professional VFX artist, I have been working in the industry for over 6 years and worked on many Hollywood blockbuster films, including a couple of Oscar winners! I'm here to demystify VFX and try and teach what I know to others :)

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