And if you want to have some fun do a video on your IG of your favorite arm superset and tag me so I can see them. @mountaindog1
Workout can be done 2x per week:
Natural guidelines Reps
Superset #1
Dual handle pushdowns 10 to 12
Hammer curl 8 to 10
3 Rounds
Superset #2
Concentration preacher curls 8 to 10
Modified pushups 12 to 15
2 Rounds
Superset #3
Kettlebell Curls 8 to 10
Kettle lying extension 10 to 12
2 Rounds
Enhanced guidelines Reps
Superset #1
Dual handle pushdowns 10 to 12
Hammer curl 8 to 10
4 Rounds
Superset #2
Concentration preacher curls 8 to 10
Modified pushups 12 to 15
3 Rounds
Superset #3
Kettlebell Curls 8 to 10
Kettle lying extension 10 to 12
3 Rounds
For the rest of the superset videos make sure you checkout my playlist. It will be updated with new supersets for all body parts as we make them:
Member website:
Discount code - MDYOUTUBE10
Make sure you like the video share the video and subscribe to the channel. And if you would like me to answer any of you question please ask them in the comment section.
#ArmWorkout #21incharms #johnmeadows