
'Climate action seems to be a popular hobby for the rich'

'Climate action seems to be a popular hobby for the rich' Sky News host Chris Kenny says “climate evangelists” push a politicised climate agenda with a “zealotry” that trumps every other issue.

“All rational consideration seems to be pushed aside to focus on rampant climate alarmism” during domestic political battles over global warming policies, he said.

Mr Kenny said “irony” had entered the climate change debate with activists such as Simon Holmes à Court, a renewable energy investor and supporter of political candidates who take an active approach to combating global warming.

Simon Holmes à Court is the son of the late Robert Holmes a Court, Australia's first billionaire who made his fortune in the mining industry.

According to Mr Kenny “it is more than a little ironic that a resources fortune derived at large from fossil fuels, is, at least in part, now being used to try to force other investors, workers and customers away from that very same industry sector.”

“Isn't it strange how some of the most active climate change evangelists are wealthy beyond our comprehension?"

“Climate action seems to be a popular hobby for the rich,” he said.

Image: Getty


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