
The Private Indemnity Bond, the Church, and the Broken Spell February 23, 2020 By Anna Von Reitz

The Private Indemnity Bond, the Church, and the Broken Spell February 23, 2020 By Anna Von Reitz Help support the work of Anna and the Living Law Firm here or look for the PayPal button on

The Private Indemnity Bond, the Church, and the Broken Spell February 23, 2020 By Anna Von Reitz

I received an un-marked communication asking me for a copy of the Private Indemnity Bond that I lodged with the Treasury; it must be understood that it is "private" only in the sense of being on the private side of the Treasury Ledger, and is in fact available for anyone to research at the United States Treasury by Bond Number.
What it says is that I and others including Witnesses who have established the fact that unlimited credit is owed to us, have indemnified (that is, underwritten) the States -- meaning the actual States --- to do mercantile business and to insure them against loss.
To do this effectively, we placed liens first upon the assets of the National Credit, and then upon the assets of the Municipal STATES OF STATES and then upon the assets of the Territorial States of States, and rolled all of that into the Federal State Trusts. After that, we brought it all full circle and returned the Federal State Trusts to the actual Union, The United States, and The United States then returned assignment of the international "Powers" to our unincorporated Federation of States --- The United States of America.
The indemnity bond is necessary for the Federal State Trusts to be liquidated and for The United States of America [Unincorporated] to do international business. Similar to owning a car, the Ship of State must be insured and underwritten when it conducts international business.
In the same way, The United States of America takes precedence as the Priority Creditor in "international waters" over all Delegated Authorities (the Queen and the Pope) and also over all Federal entities (including all US Corporations, States of States, and so on).
Basically, the people (The United States) possess it all-- the whole shooting match, in sum total--- and the People acting as State Citizens in behalf of their States together operate The United States of America to serve the people.
Those operating in an international capacity serve those operating in the national capacity.
This is so that local rule cannot be overcome by any foreign effort to imperil national security and suborn it through control of global or international levels of government.
The lawful tradition we honor prevents exactly what is going on right now, where Globalist criminals and self-interested internationalists are attempting to take over all the countries of the world through the simple device of owning and operating government services corporations--- misdirected and evil corporations which the Pope is refusing to liquidate even though he is obligated to liquidate all such THINGS that operate in a criminal manner.
Corporations are only allowed to exist for "lawful" purposes, not "legal" purposes, a fact that Pope Francis and Company have clearly never learned, have forgotten, or chosen to ignore.

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