It's important to recognize that other people will treat you the way that you allow yourself to be treated and also, the way you train people to treat you. If you're in a relationship where you're being physically or emotionally abused and you do not feel like you have the ability to be safe, you need to immediately enlist third party help. If it's a sh!tty relationship, most likely you're both being emotionally abusive to one another. Have a no tolerance policy, but also recognize that people are human. When you're in the habit of being in bad relationships, you're going to tend to err on the side of blaming yourself or writing off someone's behavior because you make an excuse or justify things for people. Is the relationship working? Set a bar that's higher for how the relationship is going to go. Set a higher tolerance policy for anything that doesn't feel right to you. It's never serving anyone to stay in a sh!tty relationship. It's very important that you get good at having integrity because otherwise you lose all credibility. The reason to get into integrity is because anything that anyone responds to, you can actually know that it's not about you. It gives you so much power in life. It's not a position that you can take if you're not totally f*cking sure that you're acting from integrity 100%. Then you will know that you are not being that a$$hole. Take ownership and responsibility of your actions. Sometimes people just go off on us for no reason. When you're a person of integrity then it's not about you, it's about that person and what they're dealing with. You can just be with that feedback (that doesn't mean tolerating someone being an a$$hole to you), you don't have to make it mean anything about you. The most important skill that we can learn is how to tell someone they're being an a$$hole and that you're not going to allow that in your life without being an a$$hole yourself.