
Perfect English 🙅‍♀️ You DON'T Need it to Start Speaking!

Perfect English  🙅‍♀️ You DON'T Need it to Start Speaking! Are you waiting for perfect English before you actually start speaking in conversations? Your confidence and fluency will improve if you focus LESS on perfection!
Women learning English 💃 Check out - A place for international women to build their confidence and English speaking fluency!

In this lesson, I'll share 4 Steps to help you worry LESS about being perfect so that you can get MORE speaking practice in English conversations (and become more fluent!!)

Read the full transcript of this lesson on my blog here:

#mmmEnglish #EnglishFluency #SpeakEnglishConfidently #EnglishConversation #SpeakEnglish #ConversationConfidence #YouTubeTeacher #EnglishWithEmma #PerfectEnglish #TheLadiesProject

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More English Language Tools I recommend!

⭐️Improve your English pronunciation and expression by imitating a native English speaker:

⭐️Try Grammarly Grammar Checker - it's FREE!

⭐️English Listening practice - Try Audible for FREE!

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Emma also founded The Ladies' Project:

A place for international women to build their confidence and English speaking fluency! 💃

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Do your friends a favour and help to translate this lesson into your native language! Contribute subtitles translations here:

Your name will be featured underneath the video 😝

Perfect English,Perfect English speaker,perfect English speaking,How to get perfect English,perfection,perfectionism,how to be perfect,face fears,confident English,speak English,English Fluency,fluent English,confident English speaker,perfect conversation,perfect English conversation,learn English speaking,learn English conversation,mmmEnglish,mmm English,English with Emma,english teacher,stop procrastinating,advanced vocabulary,The Ladies' Project,

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