
Holy Mass - 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time - 23 Feb 2020

Holy Mass -  7th Sunday in Ordinary Time - 23 Feb 2020 Join the friars of the parish of St Mary of the Angels in this Holy Mass for the 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time.

Jesus reminds us to to extend our kindness beyond human limits. Such uncommon wisdom. He encourages us to be perfect just as our heavenly Father is perfect. Is such perfection reasonable, or even attainable? What do we understand in the phrase, "to be perfect"?

In the last mass in ordinary time before Ash Wednesday, let us take the time to reflect on how we respond in times of uncertainty, and how we can respond in perfect peace in the way our Lord taught us.

Support St Mary of the Angels in its efforts to minister to our community.

A Call for Generosity

Just as St Francis listened to the call of Christ to rebuild the church, let us do our part to build the kingdom of God by performing small acts of kindness and love.

In light of the suspension of all masses, we appeal to the generosity of our parishioners to continue to contribute to the needs of the church, in maintaining the running costs of the church. Our online donation facility, PayNow, is also now ready for use.

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Let us prepare ourselves for Lent and use this time of silence to pray for our community and all who need the grace of God in their lives.

St Mary,St Mary of the Angels,SMOTA,Catholic Church,Mass,Singapore,Franciscan Friars,

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