
Bell Let's Talk: Dua Aur Dawa - The Right Combination For A Healthy Mind

Bell Let's Talk: Dua Aur Dawa - The Right Combination For A Healthy Mind To bring awareness to mental health, I sharing my story for Bell Let’s Talk; the country’s largest corporate commitment to help create a stigma-free Canada.

People of South Asian descent are afraid to voice their struggles with mental health, for fear of potential backlash. It carries the same stigma it carried decades ago. Faith communities disregard mental illnesses as a lack of faith in one’s religion. More often than not, we are lectured for not being God fearing enough for our distressed state of mind. It’s almost as if we’re possessed by evil which be exorcised by reciting holy scriptures.

Islam’s entire foundation is built upon compassion – that’s what makes it so beautiful. Yet, the absence of gentleness within communities in matters concerning mental health is the reason behind people suffering in silence.

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