
What’s Better For Blood Flow Circulation - Hot or Cold Packs?

What’s Better For Blood Flow Circulation - Hot or Cold Packs? GO TO Which Foods Can Increase Your Blood Flow & Circulation:

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What’s Better For Blood Flow Circulation - Hot or Cold Packs?
In one of my previous videos entitled, “Which Foods Can Increase Your Blood Flow & Circulation”, which I’ll give you a direct link to that video in a minute… A viewer asked the following question:

I like your videos...I work out 5 days a week ..I also have bad circulation in my legs..Does warm hot packs help?

This is a great question because many people start having poor circulation as we get older, especially in the lower body. Legs, feet and for us guys - your penis as well. Which means, smaller and poorer erections.

And this video I’ll quickly discuss
Heat and cold treatments
Best rep ranges for legs
Best vitamins and herbs for circulation

So the answer is YES, hot packs do work. The heat increases blood flow to the area, which means more nutrients, oxygen and hormones.

However, I would also switch off with cold packs to reduce the inflammation - especially after you work out.

Remember, more inflammation, means less circulation.

As far as how long, how hot or cold. You can do 10-20 minutes of heat and then later, do the same amount of time in cold.

There’s no specific science, so don’t worry about it.

By the way, if you can stand to do an ice bath for your lower body, even if it’s just 2-3x weekly - this will help a lot with the inflammation, which means better blood flow.

Just don’t do it before your workouts, always any time after.

Additionally, the lower body responds very well to higher repetitions.

So, doing sets of high reps, 20 to as high as 50 reps, will really improve blood flow, and build new capillaries. In addition to building more muscle.

You can do this at the gym obviously -- but even at home, just doing bodyweight squats for high reps is great.

Look at velodrome riders and speed skater’s legs - they have super massive legs and it’s all done with high reps.

Lastly, take Blood Flow Optimizer.

This stuff is amazing at improving blood flow throughout your entire body - muscles, cells, heart, brain, penis, etc.

Additionally, it makes your blood vessels stronger and more flexible.

It also helps remove toxins and heavy metals out of your blood, which improves circulation obviously.

Most importantly, it removes plaque buildup and calcium out of your arteries, which increases blood flow from head to do, including your brain - which improves your memory and reduces Alzehiemer’s disease.

If you want to give Blood Flow Optimizer a try, below in the description, you can get a private coupon just for my YouTube subscribers.

But simply using heat, ice baths and high rep leg workouts will immediately give you better blood flow, short term.

And use Blood Flow Optimizer for long-term results, throughout your entire body.

Below get the direct link, including the original video “Which Foods Can Increase Your Blood Flow & Circulation”

Thank you for watching. Please feel free to comment, like or share with your friends.

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Disclaimer: As with all information, products and services, results are not guaranteed and may vary from one individual to another. The information in this video and/or at this channel is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge, educational and information from the research and experience of Dr. Sam Robbins, who encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.

Statements made, or solutions suggested in this video and/or at this channel, have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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