programs used in the video you can download from here
Video content Timeline
00:00:45 -Topics covered in this video.
00:03:30 -What is Clinical SAS?
00:09:59 -What is The Role of SAS Programmers in Clinical Trial?
00:49:06 -About our Training Program.
00:54:49 -Explanation of CDISC/SDTM/ ADM and TLF.
01:02:59 -Who is eligible to learn Clinical SAS Programming?
01:03:40 -How much do Clinical SAS Programmer can earn per hour?
00:03:35 Day - 01:- Clinical SAS Programming tutorials for Beginners?
01:05:56 Day - 02:- A simple program using SAS Software.
01:52:13 Day - 03:- Introduction to SAS Software.
02:35:34 Day - 04:- What are the different windows in SAS ?.
03:14:25 Day - 05:- Explanation of windows in SAS.
03:58:35 Day - 06:- Fundmantles of the SAS software.
04:25:23 Day - 07:- Inputs in SAS Software(column and List input methods ).
04:56:00 Day - 08:- Inputs in SAS Software(other input methods).
05:27:20 Day - 09:- How to read Dates in SAS Software.
06:03:34 Day - 10:- Numerical and Time formates in SAS Software.
06:32:31 Day - 11:- Reading external files using Infile in SAS Software.
07:16:10 Day - 12:- Global options in SAS Software.
08:03:14 Day - 13:- Proc formates using SAS Software.
08:48:15 Day - 14:- Set and Data Set options in SAS Software.
09:12:53 Day - 15:- How to import Excel files using SAS Software.
09:54:05 Day - 16:- How to import Accesses, Text and CSV files using SAS Software.
#WhatisclinicalSAS? #ClinicalSASProgramming #Clinicalsastutorials #SASbeginner