
Not All Social Categories Are Created Equal | Categorizing Based on Facial Features Is Possible...

Not All Social Categories Are Created Equal | Categorizing Based on Facial Features Is Possible... #denialism #identitarian #whites
...but is it meaningful? This video is for the racialist who admits that race is not a category mentioned in the Bible, but still insists on using it as a scheme to classify people because of a modern context where race was a phenomenon discovered in more modern times but still legitimate. I argue that race is an arbitrary classification scheme useless, and sometimes harmful to use for social identity. There is also a test in the video captures you can take part in.

social categorization,categorization,race,racism,racialism,race realism,race denialism,races,black,blacks,blax,dindus,dindu,social,socialist,liberal,libtard,realism,white,identity,

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