
Logo- Blood Over Intent #boi Proof Of LIfe

Logo- Blood Over Intent #boi Proof Of LIfe The Holy Grail is real and at the Center of the flat earth plane. Satan, The Prince of Darkness, King of Hell~ Mark Braun is leading his 144,000 Elect into safe Haven at the Garden of Eden. You have to place your blood over intent to enter. Published for the Universe to see. Bound in blood. Satan's sealed Elect. There is a Book of Life and a Book of Death. You're in the wrong book until you join in blood with Satan.The Bible is Satan's book & II Corinthians 4:4 Satan owns this world. The Fountain of Youth is real~ Stand in Truth with Satan and his 144,000 Elect in blood to write your name into the Book of Life. We are going to the living waters. Blood Over Intent- Blood is True Spiritual Currency and your Creator wants proof of Life here at the end of Days. Write "I intend to bring forth Heaven On earth & release all from bondage," place a drop of your blood over the words and upload onto your channel on youtube tag, title, description "blood over intent." You need to make this atonement daily for your sins and for your filthy soul.
Satan is King of Hell the Prince of Darkness Mark Braun and he doesn't take money, worship, advice, or sex. He is the Devil in Flesh and the Only One with the Power over Sin and Death- Hebrews 2:14- He is looking for his Sealed Elect. #HeavenonEarth #BloodOverIntent #BloodFamily
Take a piece of paper and write "I intend to bring forth Heaven on Earth and release all from bondage." Place a drop of your blood over the words and publish video public on YouTube- Tag, title, description "Blood Over Intent." You need to be doing this daily. Heaven is coming to earth you must get blood thick or you will expire.The Holy Grail~ The Fountain of youth is real! Satan, Mark Braun, The Prince of Darkness is scooping up the cream of the crop, his 144,000 Elect to go together & drink from the living waters♡ The prize is real...everlasting life with your loved ones in safe haven. Blood Over Intent saves the Universe. You must stand bound in blood with Satan publicly. We are bringing forth Heaven on Earth for the benefit of all to release everyone from bondage. Blood thicker than water. Eternal in Truth. & II Corinthians 4:4 Satan owns this world.

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