I thought I'd show you guys (by popular request) how I clear out the pathways of the snow that has been falling over the last week. Simple leaf blower! Works a treat and is low impact.
I'm constantly putting up new information as well over on Patreon about horse training, horsemanship, horse husbandry and extra content. You can join for just a dollar per month, or more if you want even more extra videos and information about all kinds of horse topics!
We also have a store for if you want to grab a bale of hay for the horses here or maybe a new haybag or purchase lessons or trims:
I went to Colorado recently to play with some mustangs, check out this video:
See Our Introduction Video For 360 Video Here:
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We made a cool little movie going for a ride in our famous local park, Golden Ears Park. Check that out here:
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