
Howrah bridge, Light & Sound show at howrah bridge, Rabindra setu, Pride of kolkata, Hooghly river|

Howrah bridge, Light & Sound show at howrah bridge, Rabindra setu, Pride of kolkata, Hooghly river| #The howrah bridge
#Light & sound show at howrah bridge
#Rabindra setu
The howrah bridge one of the best cantilever bridge in the world.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi attended the 150th anniversary celebration of Kolkata Port Trust in kolkata. Chief Minister Ms. Mamata Banerjee was also present on that occasion. In that ceremony Mr.PM launched the light & sound show at howrah bridge.
75 year anniversary of Rabindra setu was celebrated last year.
650 Power efficient led and spot light generate beautiful lighting sync with music create a amazing atmosphere.
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