
Bible for Business: Focus Precisely Like an Eagle

Bible for Business: Focus Precisely Like an Eagle "The discerning person focuses on wisdom there before him, but a fool’s eyes wander to the ends of the earth."--Proverbs 17:24 "Focus your minds on the things above, not on things here on earth."--Colossians 3:2 Focus was the second topic I discussed in the word for the year, "2020: The Year of Precision". Eagles have the ability to focus their eyes completely on their targets, removing everything else from view. In 2020, you must focus completely on that which God has placed before you. Don't get distracted by other projects. Don't look around and compare yourself to other people or covet their success. Instead, approach each day with the understanding that God has provided all you need to fulfill the vision He has given you. Expect your resources, support and help to be revealed when you focus on that which has been placed before you. Also, be aware of the tactics of the enemy to distract you by presenting discouragement in your circumstances. Do not allow yourself to be discouraged. Instead of counting all the things you don't have here on earth, look up to your Heavenly Father. Count the blessings He has already given you and count on a release of even more, because your Father owns all of the wealth in the universe! Stay focused in 2020, and know that your focus will be tested. Pass this test!
If you're not sure what you should focus on, request a FREE Strategy Session with a Kingdom Wealth Consultant to help you to:
~ Understand and align with God's will,
~ Clarify your vision for the future,
~ Identify your greatest challenge, and
~ Map out your path to success!
To request your FREE Strategy Session today, visit

Bible for Business,Prosperity coaching,Kingdom wealth,

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