
Beyond Sun Sign Weeklies (What Others May Serve) + Basics: Planets|Houses|How And They May Affect Us

Beyond Sun Sign Weeklies (What Others May Serve) + Basics: Planets|Houses|How And They May Affect Us This video gives information about our weekly Astrology inspired Intuitive Tarot/Cartomancy/Oracle readings and may help you to determine what other placements aside from your Sun may serve you. Our weeklies include:

- Sun + Ascendant / Mercury / Venus / Mars / All Houses
- (Alt Cartomancy) Cusper Energy
- (Oracle) Moon / Venus

This is meant specifically for this channel but you can certainly apply it to other channels--in the spirit of comparison not criticism. 'Astrology is a language" and there can be different interpretations. All are valid. All can be useful in their own right or way.

The last part of the video goes a little deeper into the basics of natal planets and astrological houses--especially how they may relate to your every day life.

You may calculate your astrological (natal) birth chart for free @ (no affiliation)

Like and subscribe to help our channel blossom - Click the bell icon to be notified when new sessions are posted. Gratitude!

=======SUN SIGN DECAN DATES=======
Not mentioned in the video but could be helpful!

Aries Decans Birthday ranges:
-1st: March 21st - 30th (Aries decan)
-2nd: March 31st - April 9th (Leo decan)
-3rd: April 10th - 20th (Sag decan)

Taurus Decans Birthday ranges:
-1st: April 21st - 30th (Taurus decan)
-2nd: May 1st - 10th (Virgo decan)
-3rd: May 11th - 21st (Cap decan)

Gemini Decans Birthday ranges:
-1st: May 22nd - 31st (Gemini decan)
-2nd: June 1st - 10th (Libra decan)
-3rd: June 11th - 21st (Aqua decan)

Cancer Decans Birthday ranges:
-1st:June 22nd - July 1st (Cancer decan)
-2nd: Cancer Second Decan: July 2nd - 12th (Scorpio decan)
-3rd: Cancer Third Decan: July 13th - 22nd (Pisces decan)

Leo Decans Birthday ranges:
-1st: July 23rd - August 1st (Leo decan)
-2nd: August 2nd - 12th (Sag decan)
-3rd: August 13th - 23rd (Aries decan)

Virgo Decans Birthday ranges:
-1st: August 24th - September 3rd (Virgo decan)
-2nd: September 4th - 13th (Cap decan)
-3rd: September 14th - 22nd (Taurus decan)

Libra Decans Birthday ranges:
-1st: September 23rd - October 3rd (Libra decan)
-2nd: October 4th - 13th (Aqua decan)
-3rd: October 14th - 23rd (Gemini decan)

Scorpio Decans Birthday ranges:
-1st: October 24th - November 2nd (Scorpio decan)
-2nd: November 3rd - 12th (Pisces decan)
-3rd: November 13th - 22nd (Cancer decan)

Sagittarius Decans Birthday ranges:
-1st: November 23rd - December 2nd (Sag decan)
-2nd: December 3rd - 12th (Aries decan)
-3rd: December 13th - 21st (Leo decan)

Capricorn Decans Birthday ranges:
-1st: December 22nd - 31st (Cap decan)
-2nd: January 1st - 10th (Taurus decan)
-3rd: January 11th - 20th (Gemini decan)

Aquarius Decans Birthday ranges:
-1st: January 21st - 29th (Aqua decan)
-2nd: January 30th - February 8th (Gemini decan)
-3rd: February 9th - 18th (Libra decan)

Pisces Decans Birthday ranges:
- 1st: February 19th - 29th (Pisces decan)
-2nd: March 1st - 10th (Cancer decan)
- 3rd: March 11th - 20th (Scorpio decan)

=======ALL CUSP DATES=======

Check your birthday to see if it falls within the cusp date range. Please note that date ranges may vary by one day before/after the start/end of the dates listed below; not all sources agree on the exact date range):

Pisces-Aries Cusp: 3/17 - 3/23
Aries-Taurus Cusp: 4/16 - 4/22
Taurus-Gemini Cusp: 5/17 - 5/23
Gemini-Cancer Cusp: 6/17 - 6/23
Cancer-Leo Cusp: 7/19 - 7/25
Leo-Virgo Cusp: 8/19 - 8/25
Virgo-Libra Cusp: 9/19 - 9/25
Libra-Scorpio Cusp: 10/19 - 10/25
Scorpio-Sagittarius Cusp: 11/18 - 11/24
Sagittarius-Capricorn Cusp: 12/18 - 12/24
Capricorn-Aquarius Cusp: 1/16 - 1/22
Aquarius-Pisces Cusp: 2/15 - 2/21

====Channel Info====
- If you have any questions about the channel please refer to our introduction video:

- Channel Playlists (Find Your Cusp/Ascendant/Rising/Moon/Venus):

Gratitude to the Divine, you and all of creation!

Tarot,Tarotscope,Sun,Rising,Moon,Mars,Mercury,Venus,Non-Binary Collective,Feminine Collective,Masculine Collective,Divine Feminine,Divine Masculine,Divine Counterpart,Sacred Feminine,Sacred Masculine,Twin Flame,Soulmate,Karmic,Soul Contract,Etheric Cord,Relationship,Love,Wealth,Money,Healing,Personal Actualization,Spiritual Ascension,Karma,Archetypes,INFJ,Astrological Houses,Natal Planets,Personal Planets,Astrology Basics,Learn Astrology,Astrology 101,

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