
9136 FUE Grafts. Advanced Alopecia. 4 surgeries. Shaved. 5 month result.|2011

9136 FUE Grafts. Advanced Alopecia. 4 surgeries. Shaved. 5 month result.|2011 Paciente que consulta por primera vez en 2011, con 38 años, presenta alopecia avanzada, MPB NW V, sin tratamiento médico. Donante con valores de cobertura aceptables, se medica con finasteride y se plantea estrategia a 2 cirugías y una tercera para aumentar cobertura.
Se realiza una primera intervención de 3333 grtafts para restaurar frontal (7716 pelos; 2,31 pelos/graft; 0.8 mm punch; grafts: I-397; II-1697; III-1169; IV-102; V-2).
A los 5 meses se realiza nueva intervención de 2101 Grafts para restaurar la coronilla (4639 pelos; 2,2 pelos/grafts; 0.85 mm punch; Grafts: I-250; II-1200; III-615; IV-36).
A los 18 meses volvemos a intervenir nuevamente al paciente para aumentar cobertura general, extrayendo 1601 grafts (3841 pelos; 2,39 pelos/grafts, 0.8 mm punch; Grafts: I-156; II-733; III-632; IV-77; V-3). Buena cobertura general a los 11 meses por lo que se da por finalizada la restauración.

El paciente concurre nuevamente a los 5 años, con 45 años, sigue estable por medicación, finasteride, y con la misma cobertura general. Nos solicita si podemos aumentar la cobertura. Evaluamos su zona donante y decidimos realizar una cuarta cirugía para reforzar la densidad general. Donante en este momento:

· Temporal. 55 micras de pelo; 52 UF/cm2; 95 pelos/cm2; 1,83 pelos/UF; CV de 5,22

· Parietal: 57 micras; 53 UF/cm2; 113 pelos/cm2; 2,13 pelos/UF; CV de 6,44
· Occipital: 58 micras; 95 UF/cm2; 148 pelos/cm2; 2,08 pelos/UF; CV de 8,58

TDA (area donante total) de 267 cm2 y TDC (capacidad donante total) de 3386 grafts (a 2,10 pelos/graft, TDHC de 6821 pelos).

En esta última cirugía se extraen 2101 grafts (5220 pelos) para 55 cm2 de frontal y 59 cm2 de coronilla (14 a 22 grafts/cm2) a 2, 48 pelos/grafts (140 singles, 985 dobles, 798 triples; 174 cuadruples; 4 quíntuples).

El video muestra la zona rasurada antes de su cuarta cirugía y el resultado a 5 meses tras esta última intervención. Se evolucionará su resultado a los 10 meses.

The first time we saw this patient was in 2011 with 38 year-old: he had an advanced alopecia, MPB NW V, and no medical treatment. Donor with acceptable coverage values, we prescribed finasteride and sugested a 2 step strategy and the possibility of a third one to increase the coverage.
In the first procedure we extracted 3333 grafts to restore the frontal area (7716 hairs; 2.31 hairs/graft; 0.8 mm punch; Grafts: I-397; II-1697; III-1169; IV-102; V-2).
At 5 months, a new procedure was carried out with 2101 Grafts, to restore the crown (4639 hairs; 2.2 hairs/grafts; 0.85 mm punch; Grafts: I-250; II-1200; III-615; IV-36).
After 18 months we decided to do the 3rd surgery to augment the overall coverage, extracting 1601 grafts (3841 hairs; 2.39 hairs / grafts, 0.8 mm punch; Grafts: I-156; II-733; III-632; IV-77 ; V-3). Good general coverage at 11 months, so we consider that we could discharged the patient.

The patient comes again after 5 years, with 45 year-old, hair-loss stable due to med's (finasteride), and roughly with the same general coverage. He asked if we could increase the density. We assessed his donor area and decided to perform a fourth surgery to reinforce all the areas. Currently donor area:

· Temporal. 55 microns of hair; 52 FU/cm2; 95 hairs/cm2; 1,83 hairs/FU; CV of 5,22

· Parietal: 57 microns; 53 FU/cm2; 113 hairs/cm2; 2,13 hairs/FU; CV of 6,44

· Occipital: 58 microns; 95 FU/cm2; 148 hairs/cm2; 2,08 hairs/FU; CV of 8,58

TDA (total donor area) of 267 cm2 and TDC (total donor capacity) of 3386 grafts (at 2,10 hairs/graft, TDHC of 6821 hairs).

In this last surgery we extracted 2101 grafts (5220 hairs) for 55 cm2 in the frontal area and 59 cm2 at crown (14 to 22 grafts/cm2) at 2,48 hairs/grafts (140 singles, 985 doubles, 798 triples; 174 cuadruples; 4 quintuples).

The video shows the donor and recipient area shaved before his 4th surgery and the 5 months outcome after this last procedure. We will show the 10 month result soon.

Dr. José Lorenzo. Madrid. Spain.

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