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My Username on WoT Blitz: rutherc9
Server: North American
You can send World of Tanks Blitz replays to me at: rutherc9@gmail.com
Simply upload the "wotbreplay" file to google drive or to WOTInspector.com/en/replays and send me the link!
To locate the wotbreplay files, simply watch my tutorial here:
On SWTOR, I play on Darth Malgus (European - English)
Any donations would be greatly appreciated as they would allow me to both: A. continue subscribing to SWTOR enabling me to create subscriber-exclusive content for you guys, and B. Allowing me to purchase rare & limited-time tanks to showcase/play for you guys on WoT Blitz :D
"I have the high ground, Anakin!" -Obi-Wan Kenobi
#WoTBlitzandSWTOR #SkyWookieFamily #WeHaveTheHighGround