
Janet Kuypers reads her poetry in 3 rounds @ her 'Poetic License' Austin open mic 11|3|19 (PL2500).

Janet Kuypers reads her poetry in 3 rounds @ her 'Poetic License' Austin open mic 11|3|19 (PL2500). Live at Recycled Reads (a large bookstore in Austin Texas of books from the Austin Public Library) November 3th, 2019 (or 11/3/19, or 20191103), Janet Kuypers hosted her poetry open mic "Poetic License" 11/3/19 at Austin's Recycled Reads bookstore, where she read her poetry in multiple rounds. In round 1 Janet Kuypers reads her poem "Keep You Chin Up" that she wrote that day (11/3/19) because November 3rd is cliche day, as the opening to the open mic. In round 2 Janet Kuypers reads her poem "Death" from the Poetry Wheel 6/26/08, then her poems "Gift of Motherhood One", "Thank You, Women Who Work One", "Coslow’s", "Childhood Memories One", "Christmas Eve", and "There I Sit" from her "Slinging the Word" chapbook and Chicago WLUW Radio interview 3/18/08, and her poems "Alexi", "a New Patient", "Catching a Muscovy", "Changing the Locks", and "Childhood Memories Five" from her Poems on the Beach 7/13/08 Chicago Beach Poets feature and all read from the cc&d May 2008 v184 2019 printing as the book "That was the Time". In round 3 Janet Kuypers reads her poems "Climbing Trees", "Conscious of It", "False Suicide", Hiding Vices", "Twin", "Masquerade", "Raking Leaves", "They Called It Trust", and "They Tried" from her Poems on the Beach 7/13/08 Chicago Beach Poets feature and all read from the cc&d May 2008 v184 2019 printing as the book "That was the Time".

This was filmed with a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera and a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera.

You can always go to for expanded information on her writing, poetry or performance art (or check her out on Twitter at or see her 6-second poetry vines via her alternative Twitter page at or on Facebook at or even on YouTube at

Janet Kuypers,November 3 2019,11/3/19,20191103,Poetic License,,Keep You Chin Up,Gift of Motherhood One,Thank You,Women Who Work One,Coslow’s,Childhood Memories One,Christmas Eve,and There I Sit,Alexi,a New Patient,Catching a Muscovy,Changing the Locks,Childhood Memories Five,cc&d,That was the Time,Climbing Trees,Conscious of It,False Suicide,Hiding Vices,Twin,Masquerade,Raking Leaves,They Called It Trust,They Tried,

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