
Is it necessary to cap or crown a tooth after a root canal procedure?

Is it necessary to cap or crown a tooth after a root canal procedure? The root canal process primarily addresses the problems of the teeth that have been extensively decayed or infected. While every effort is made to conserve the natural tooth structure, it does become brittle after the root canal process. A dental cap or a crown after t he root canal process reinforces the tooth structure and restores the functionality especially in high traffic areas of the mouth, teeth usually changes color after the root canal process . They sometimes become grey or extensively stained. Capping or crowning of the thereafter root canal will help solve this problem and a natural shade is restored that helps to blend in seamlessly to your adjacent teeth. Teeth may also have lost its original contours even before the start of the root canal process due to decay. A dental crown restores its shape and also seals it off from further contamination, thus preventing reinfection of the teeth. So if you have undergone a root canal procedure, might as well go ahead and cap or crown the teeth to maximise the efficiency or longevity of the tooth.

Dr. Vahini Reddy
Consultant Prosthodontics, Implantologist
The Dental Venue, Koramangala, Bengaluru
Appointment Booking Number: 9108829069

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