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Hey diary, it’s me, Max! And I’m VERY nervous right now!
My best friend is a human pup Josh, I’m in his room right next to him. He is crying and I’m howling together with him! But very quietly, or else big friends, Josh’s parents, will start barking at us again...I don’t know why my best friend is sad! I tried licking his face, but it didn’t help...I thought he was hungry, so I brought him my treasure bone I was hiding inside the couch. Can you imagine!? My secret bone didn’t make him happy!
At first, it was THE COOLEST DAY EVER. Josh threw me the ball and then I ran after it, and then he did it again, and I ran after it, and ooooh, can you imagine, he DID IT AGAIN AND IT WAS SO AWESOME! He asked me who was a good boy, and I was like WHO!? WHO COULD IT BE!? And it was me! I was a good boy!!!
I LOVE my friend, but I don’t think big friends love him - when they came home they were barking at him for so long… like they usually do! And now I can’t sleep because my friend Josh is sad. I don’t like it!
Hey diary, it’s me, Max, and the door is closed! DOOR IS CLOSED! Wait, wait, let me start from the start!
Today we had a fun day with Josh, but then big friends started to bark at him again! They took Josh by the hand and put him in his room and CLOSED THE DOOR. He was howling again and big friends were barking even louder! I was scratching the door for hours, but they didn’t let me in! Why so angry, big friends? Maybe they were hungry!? I demanded to LET ME IN, but instead they put me in a dark room. But I don’t worry, I just wait! Big friends are good, I trust them.
HEY DIARY. It’s Max!
*sad* I slept in the dark room and then in the morning the big friend gave me a short walksie and some food. Blech! I hate brown square food, I like salami. But no worries. Josh returned and I took my ball to him because it was time for a hunt, but no hunt happened. Instead, big friends took Josh’s backpack and threw everything from it to the floor. Ooh, maybe there’s some meat there, oh that’d be a surprise. But no surprise again. Instead, more barking at Josh, and then they locked him in the room again. And then big friends left.
Josh started to cry very loudly. I mean.. I was crying the same way when a bee bit my nose and it became big and it was hurting! So maybe Josh was bit by a bee, so I thought maybe, if I started howling and barking loudly, big friends would hear me and return and save Josh from the bee! But nobody came. But you know what? I’m going to keep on trying!
Hey diary. I’m tired and a bit angry. I can’t bark any longer. Josh is still in his room. Sun has set and risen again and big friends haven’t returned yet. I don’t think that they don’t love us anymore, but honestly, I want to eat and pee. But I think Josh is worse, because at least I can run around the house, but he’s locked up in his room and seems he’s tired of crying too. Cheer up, my best friend! So I ran to the kitchen and found an old piece of salami. I was tempted to eat it for myself but no, my pup friend needs it more, so I put it under the door. Hold on Josh, big friends will come soon!
Then.. I heard someone near the house, so I started barking! I jumped up at the sofa, looked out of the window and saw the old lady living in the house near us! I barked at her desperately to bring back the Big friends. I hope she understood me.
*like it’s a secret* Hey diary. Someone’s knocking at our door, so I started barking at the door. Stop knocking, just open it! Jeez, humans, why you are so dum-dum sometimes! Oh, but then they started talking with someone, but not to me or Josh, because this person’s name was Police. A beautiful name!
And then big friends finally returned with a lot of big humans. Which one of them is Police? I want to say hi!
Have you ever wished that your pets could talk to you? Wish granted! This channel offers you a unique opportunity to take a sneak peek into pets' thoughts and find out what they want to share with the whole world. They talk about everything: themselves, other pets, their masters, life in general. Sometimes these are funny stories, sometimes they will make you cry... Why not? The fact they don't talk doesn't mean they are not watching you ;)
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