Shocking CCTV shows the speeding car losing control on a curve and plunging on top of the group of pedestrians.
The red Volkswagen smashed through safety barriers and landed on the people standing below the structure in Hyderabad, southern India.
Footage from the scene shows the pedestrians waiting for an autorickshaw at about 1pm on Saturday.
Fortunately for several, they managed to spot the car heading down towards them and were able to dash away, thus escaping injury.
But the vehicle ended up killing one woman and wounding six other bystanders - who were rushed to hospital for treatment.
The driver of the car is reportedly in a critical condition.
Times of India says that CCTV shows the car smashing on to the road, before being flung into a tree by the force of the fall.
The tree was uprooted by the impact and the Volkswagen damaged several parked vehicles.
The vehicle is understood to have been speeding at more than 100km when it crashed - on a road with a 40km speed limit - say police investigating the bizarre crash.
Two young men were killed on November 9 when a car struck them on the same flyover.
Times of India says the men had stopped to take selfies on the structure when a drunk-driver smashed in to them.
Police have told motorists to slow down on the recently opened flyover.