
We are Blasting Past Old Frameworks During This 11 11 Portal

We are Blasting Past Old Frameworks During This 11 11 Portal We are Blasting Past Old Frameworks During This 11 11 Portal
November 10, 2019
by Aja Andromeda

Aja's Original Video is here:

There is a voice that is calling you home... to an expanded version of yourself. You are so much more than your physical body, so much more than your intellect. Somewhere deep inside of you, you've known this for a long time. If you've been wanting to connect with your Higher Self, your Spirit Guides, and the beauty of multidimensional reality, prepare yourself to journey across dimensions in order to find the wisdom and support that will help you reconnect to your True Self. Welcome to Multidimensional Living!

Would you like to journey on a deep dive on exploration to uncover your Greater I AM with Aja and your team of Multidimensional Guides? Learn more about the year long Emergence Experience here:

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