
Snatch More Weight (Improve Catch Position) with this Snatch Complex

Snatch More Weight (Improve Catch Position)  with this Snatch Complex "Making Strong People Stronger" free eBook -

12 Programs, Nutrition, Coaching, and More

20 Rep Back Squat Program

Stop blaming your mobility.

Mobility is sexy. Walk in tight, stretch a little, magic happens, and now you have an increased ROM and feel more comfortable in certain positions.

Trust me, that 1/8 of an inch isn’t going to change your overhead position or increase the weight on your snatch.

The larger problem is your brain does not trust you. It doesn’t know how cool snatching is. Your brain thinks you are throwing a heavy ass piece of metal over your head and that it is going to crush you.

Your brain milliseconds to connect your highest point (hands) to your lowest point (feet) and trust that your body is strong and stable enough to catch the weight. Over time, this is how you build speed under the bar, increase weights, feel confident in PR attempts, and get strong.

There is no amount of mobility that can create that trust. Only PRACTICE in the bottom of the hole, with weight overhead, sitting there, getting your brain to connect your hands, your feet, and trust the strength and stability of your body.

This Snatch complex is a great place to start:

5 Sets
Snatch Below the knee x 2
Overhead Squat x 3 with a 3 second pause.

Stretch less, depend more time building trust with your brain, and over time, you will start to call this skill “ATHLETICISM”

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