
Pastor Chui - Nobel Prize for alleged big bang proof -1

Pastor Chui - Nobel Prize for alleged big bang proof -1 The website published the article by Dr Jonathan Sarfati on October 7, 2006. I now quote his article below:
“The recent announcement of the 2006 Nobel Prize for Physics has generated some questions relevant to the idea of a ‘big bang’ and cosmic evolution in general. Dr Jonathan Sarfati responds to these emails taken collectively:
“Nobel Prize for supporting the establishment religion
“John Mather and George Smoot won the award for their work with the COBE (Cosmic Background Explorer) satellite on the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation, which is alleged to have ‘turned cosmology into hard science’ according to the Nature report.1
“The lack of the right shadows shows that CMB cannot be from the big bang at all. Thus what had been touted as one of the main glorious predictions of the big bang is falsified.
“COBE stands for the Cosmic Background Explorer satellite which NASA launched on 18 November 1989, the operations of which were terminated on 23 December 1993. Its function was to search for certain inhomogeneities, predicted in big bang thinking as the ‘seeds of galaxies’, as temperature variations in the background radiation. COBE did detect some variation, so naturally NASA announced, with fanfare, how they were looking right back into the beginning of the universe. However, these minute and dubious variations were only of the order of 1 in 105, actually ≤70 µK,2,3 far less than what would have been required for galaxy formation. See Recent Cosmic Microwave Background data supports creationist cosmologies by Dr Hartnett.
“COBE was succeeded by WMAP (Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe), launched on 30 June 2001. (It was originally just MAP, but was rechristened WMAP in February 2003 after David Wilkinson, a pioneer in physics and cosmology, who died in September 2002.) These satellites had/have sensitive equipment to monitor the CMB.
“The media have often trumpeted claims that they have mapped the universe as it was seen 380,000 years after the big bang.4 And in the popular reports, the detected anisotropies (unevennesses) are treated as if they are proof of the big bang model, whereas it is more circular reasoning. That is, the evidence (anisotropies) is interpreted assuming the truth of the big bang paradigm, then it is used as support of this paradigm.
“’It’s really ironic that Drs Smoot and Mather should receive a Nobel Prize for supporting the Big Bang at the precise time their work is being unravelled as evidence for that theory. Years ago, at the time they presented their discovery, I published an article proposing an alternative interpretation of it that did not support the Big Bang.
“‘Over the years since then, subsequent articles in the secular Astrophysics literature have supported my interpretation. Now it looks as if new information overthrows Smoot and Mather’ interpretation completely—the cosmic microwave radiation may be coming from nearby sources, not from the alleged Big Bang fireball.’
“This is indeed a devastating blow. NASA announced, with fanfare, how they were looking right back into the beginning of the universe. But the lack of the right shadows shows that CMB cannot be from the big bang at all. Thus what had been touted as one of the main glorious predictions of the big bang is falsified. If the CMB has nothing to do with the big bang, then the COBE fluctuations are irrelevant. (To be continued in Part 2).

Pastor Chui - Nobel Prize for alleged big bang proof -1,

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