It has always been a mystery to me how the hotel staff took so long to locate Kenneka on camera. Logically it is impossible not to know what camera to check if they wanted to see if she was still in the hotel. I have never stepped a foot in the hotel and know what camera I need to watch next. In saying that, I doubt the hotel ever looked for Kenneka until the RSPD requested they look.
This video is as a response to several viewer requests for the layout of the hotel and the possible routes to the kitchen. Knowing what many know about the layout of the hotel will help you to determine where a person you are watching on surveillance will be in the next camera depending on what direction they go. It will save time and effort if you are researching Kenneka's case seriously.
Merry Bay by Ghostrifter Official Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported — CC BY-SA 3.0 Free Download / Stream: Music promoted by Audio Library
The many ways to the kitchen playlist
The mystery lady twist
Tereasa and the mystery lady
When Selfies are Helpful
Conspiracy Theory
Medical Examiner
Must Watch Playlists
Routes to the Kitchen
Walk through paths
Stalking the Police
The Freezer Deception
Busting the Timeline
Startling discoveries about room 926