In this installment of Personal Space, Jason Momoa sits down with MTV News’s Josh Horowitz at one of his favorite places in New York City, Rivington Guitars. Josh and Jason talk about his love for music, his humble beginnings, his time on 'Game of Thrones,' securing the role of Aquaman, the Snyder Cut, his new Apple TV+ series 'See,' and more.
0:38 The meaning of guitars and music in Jason's life 1:55 Growing up in Hawaii and Iowa 4:00 Working on 'Baywatch' 6:00 Landing the role of Khal Drogo on 'Game of Thrones' 7:35 Jason Momoa on his new show 'See' 10:11 His reaction to the finale of 'Game of Thrones' 10:50 Who Jason wants to play in 'Star Wars' 11:48 Jason Momoa on 'Aquaman' 12:44 Wanting the public to see the Snyder Cut 14:56 Environmental activism 16:44 Working with Denis Villeneuve
#JasonMomoa #MTVNews #PersonalSpace
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Jason Momoa,See,Aquaman,DC,DC Comics,Justice League,Jason Momoa Aquaman,Lisa Bonet,Aquaman 2,Cliffhanger,Dune,The Lego Movie 2,Frontier,Braven,Arthur Curry,Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice,Batman,Superman,Game of Thrones,Khal Drogo,GOT,Jason Momoa GOT,Personal Space,MTV Personal Space,mtv news,celebrity news,entertainment news,pop culture,snyder cut,releasethesnydercut,