how to not get stung by honey bees is a video explaining how you can go through your hives, without many stings.It takes practice to be able to keep calm around bees.
Check out video below on how to make your own brood builder.
Check out our new YouTube channel Homestead Hacks below.
2020 Packages (Gentle Stock Packaged Bees) – Barnyard Bees
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Click below to order Nucs, packages, and beekeeping supplies.
Beekeeping news is Brushy mountain bee supply is going out of business, and Kelly bee is merging with mann lake bee supply. Barnyard bees can help supply you with anything and everything pertaining to beekeeping.
Store# (706)971-2700
Barnyard bees has everything and anything pertaining to beekeeping. So anyone needing beekeeping supplies we have them at a very competitive price.
Click above to order 2020 Three pound packages, 5 frame nucs, anything and everything pertaining to beekeeping beetle barns, beetle blasters, mite strips, woodware, frames, Mated Italian queens, tools, bee suits, Barnyard Bees apparel T shirts, hoodies, tank tops, baseball ts, medication, hive kits, ultra bee pollen, honey. Also ask about our wholesale prices on honey,and beekeeping products. equipment we have it at
store# (706)971-2700