
✨♊️GEMINI Reading | What to Expect ♊️✨Mercury Retrograding in Love..Gotta find my way back! 2222 PT2

✨♊️GEMINI Reading | What to Expect ♊️✨Mercury Retrograding in Love..Gotta find my way back! 2222 PT2 🏆🏆🏆Win or book a personal reading!!!!! 🏆🏆🏆

♊️Gemini Sun | Gemini Moon | Gemini Rising | Gemini in Venus | Dealing with a Gemini ♊️

Gemini: 2222|333|44|55|6666|777|88888|99
Element: Fire
Message: Fire

Wow, this is SUCH an amazing time with the new moon entering #Scorpio season! A lot of retrograded Planets as well! We are here to make room for what's coming in!

I am opening slots for the rest of year! Book early to save your SPOT! 🔮 🔮 🔮

• To win a personal reading:
1. Make a donation of any amount via Cashapp: $ijustam
2. Fill in the note section with the requirements below. (See Section D)
3. Every month I will select one male and one female zodiac sign out of all donations and all zodiac signs. You will receive an email if you have been selected.

• To book a personal reading:

2. Fill in the form with the appropriate requirements. (See Section D)
B. Delivery Time & Prices
1. WITHIN 2 WEEKS MAX (based on payment date): $44.44
2. WITHIN 24 HRS (based on payment date and time*): $77.77
3. WITHIN 12 HRS (based on payment date and time*): $99.99
C. Disclaimer:
1. Readings work on energy and as a FIFO (first in, first out) process.
2. Please note that EST time is applicable for setting the delivery times.
3. Any emergency requests are always to be approved first before payment due to feasible "working hours" to be taken into consideration based on EST time.
D. Requirements:
1. Name & Date of Birth
2. Name & Date of Birth of all person(s) involved
3. Specific Question or Area of Interest
4. Note: Certain products have different requirements so please read carefully before booking on the website.

• For General Readings
1. Name, Gender, & Date of Birth
2. Name, Gender, & Date of Birth of all person(s) involved
3. Specific Question or Area of Interest
4. Email Address
• For Other Readings
1. Certain products have different requirements so please read carefully before booking on the website.

• Disclaimer:
1. Readings work on energy and as a FIFO (first in, first out) process.
2. Please note that EST time is applicable for setting the delivery times.
3. Any emergency requests are always to be approved first before payment due to feasible "working hours" to be taken into consideration based on EST time.
• Remember time is fluid and all souls have complete free will, so the results will happen, can happen, or have already happened. If it is future insight, this is not a guarantee but a possibility of what is aligning with you at the time of the reading.
• It is my mission to provide the most efficient message heard for the favor of all those involved. If the reading resonates, I am grateful. If it doesn't, feel free to check out the other fantastic readers here on the platform.

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Thanks so much for watching! ;) #iJustAM #EmpressAmiReads #tarot

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