
CHPC Sermon 2019-11-10 – A House of Splendor – The Rev Nancy Conklin

CHPC Sermon 2019-11-10 – A House of Splendor – The Rev Nancy Conklin The former exiles in Babylon had returned to Jerusalem – and found the city in ruins. Rebuilding the temple seemed to be an impossible task. There was so much that needed to be done first just to survive. But God assured them that the temple would be restored, and it would be even more splendid than before. Sometimes it seems our life is in ruins, that we cannot be restored, but God implores to be faithful, to look forward and get to work, and a bright future will await us, and a house more splendid than anything we could imagine.

Hope,Faith,Sermon,King Solomon's Temple,Looking forward,#camphillpres,#chpcsermon,@campphillpres,

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