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#lawofattraction #spirituality #awakening
Over 90% of reality creation is complete when you do this one thing, I'm going to show you exactly how to do it and how it will absolutely transform your life.
Welcome back to another video my name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness. Now in this video I'm going to show you why and how 90% of the reality creation process is complete with one simple thing, and I think that when it comes to what's really powerful in life, many times it is the simple things.....
The simple things that as you do consistently changes everything, and I look back at my own success now and how I've been able to live in abundance and really live my dream life. Just to three or four years ago I was working a job that I did not enjoy. I had no sense of direction. I didn't know which direction, what to do.
I didn't feel like I had the willpower. I felt like I was somebody that would just kind of lazy and sitting around kind of hope, wishful thinking. And then I realized this thing that I'm going to be sharing with you, which changed everything. And that's why now, not to brag or anything but this like I'm going to really cool Airbnb and Taloon Mexico.
I'm here for a month after that and going to a Costa Rica for a month and totally like I live. I live a lifestyle that I used to dream about. Now because of this one thing. So many of you may have heard of that, of how I talk about how beliefs create our reality. Our beliefs create our reality.
What we believe to be true on the inside is reflected on the outside. And then that's what we experienced. That relationship of how we relate to ourselves, what we believe to be true about reality. So if we believe that reality is hard, then reality will be hard. If we believe that things don't come easily, then they won't come easily.
Almost think of it like the universe is always saying yes to whatever belief we have. So if we're like, Oh, relationships are very hard to attract. Yes it is. The universe goes, yes, you're so right Aaron, you're so right. And then it's like, Oh, money is very easy to attract. Let's do a positive belief. Money's very easy to create my life.
The universe grows. Yes, it is Aaron. Yes, it is the mirror, the reality that we live in. It's just a mere, it's mirroring back our beliefs about what we believe to be true and our beliefs about ourself. So this is the key. It's understanding how our beliefs create our reality. Now, beyond that though, this thing I'm about to share, the changes, everything, I talked about this before, it comes from a book by Neville Goddard.
It's a concept he's in and got old school, law of attraction teacher. Maybe I'll kind of walk around to, can you smash that like button if you want me to do videos where I walk around and show you some stuff. Uh, this is the Airbnb by the way. This is where we're staying. And, uh, I'm with my best friend and your who a lot of you guys know, and this right over here is the backyard, which is really cool.
I ground myself in grass every night a show you guys my room. So the idea from that I've never got art is assume though wish fulfilled. This one thing assumed the wish fulfilled. It's almost as as well, like that belief have certainty and expectancy, not attachment to the outcome, but an expectancy that that belief comes to pass, that that belief is reflected back in your life.
So I'll talk a little bit about how this translates into reality and what you can do about it, but assume the wish. Arville when I look back at my own life, when I simply decided that I was going to be a full time utuber Nope. When I really, I was just having an epiphany in my own mind as I'll share with you in a minute. When I had this epiphany, it changed everything because I was walking around my dad's house. Many of you may know the story and I just decided I'm gonna make a video every single day. This is who I am. The level of identity, our beliefs come from our identity, how we see ourselves. But if you assume the wish fulfilled, if you.....
Adventures by A Himitsu
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