
4 Hindrances to Prayer~Prophet Shepherd Bushiri

4 Hindrances to Prayer~Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Not Being Specific
Not being specific is a big hindrance to prayer. The man who cried out for mercy was not specific. Jesus asked the blind man “what do you want me to do?” He then answered, “I want to see” and it was done.
Do not pray, “God bless my husband” pray “God give my husband with a good job in the bank as a manager”. When the blind man called for mercy, Jesus saw he was blind but asked him to be specific.
Praying with doubts—James 1 verse 6-8
When you pray in doubt do not expect to receive from God. Doubt is the strongest hindrance to prayer. Doubt and faith originate from your heart. If your imaginations say believe and not doubt, therefore you shall be answered but if your heart says doubt, therefore you will not be blessed. Do not put yourself among doubters but believers, be a person of faith.

3. Lack of Love—Galatians 5 verse 6
Lack of love is a big hindrance to prayer. Love is a secret to perform miracles, to heal the sick and help others. It takes love to be used by God, to be a servant of everyone. Hatred, unforgiveness are weights that must be laid aside. Do not keep things in your chest, avoid making small things hinder your success.

4. Worry hinders you—Philippians 4 verse 6; Mathews 6:28
Stop worrying—it hinders your progress. Prayer and worry are like water and oil, they don't mix. In every situation, by prayer give your petition to God. Worry is an imagination of knowledge that reigns against the will of God.

major 1 jesus christ ECG Church Prophetic Chanel Prophecies,Healing,Breakthrougs,Deliverance,Prophet Bushiri,Major 1,ECG Church,Prophetic Channel,

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