The DL is at the very bottom of the Description
Message :
I failed NNN like 60 times vro. ima weakling
- Envoid
- Selcio 2K Pack
- Cromave 1k Pack,
- Song
If you Have any Problems, Please DM Me at Discord and i Will Find a Way to do That :)!
Intro/Outro Information:
Client : EnviArts
Contest : no
Song : Mia Vaile & James Mercy - Wildfire (DJSelcio edit)
Font : randomly found one on selcios font paqq
Style : Harvey style mixed w selcio idk
Lightroom : no
Programs used: (All Panzoid) [all CM2]
Inspiration : Selcios old intros
(if you have any questions, Ask me in the Comments)
Contact Info:
Discord : Envoid#6106
Panzoid : Envoid
Instagram :
Gmail :
How Demotivated I am (bcuz why not?)
I might quit in 2019 since im starting to have no desire to make intros nowadays..
20% Demotivated
40% Demotivated
✔️60% Demotivated
80% Demotivated
Q: How old is U?
A:14 months
Q: Make Intro 4 Me?? br?:v
A: no
Q: Can i Dual/Collab wit u?
A: idk sure?
Q: How r u dis gud?
A: m a g i c
Q: wanna b friends?
A: sure
Q: what ur PC Specs?
A: idk, Intel core Celeron something 12345
Q: J
A: ok
Download :
This is free But Please Don't Claim This as Yours!
Envoid 2019