Thumb impressions of 4,250 students who were admitted to various medical courses this year in Tamil Nadu should be handed over to investigators, the Madras High Court said on Wednesday, as it asked if the CBI should probe the growing scandal involving proxies taking the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test or NEET. Adding the CBI as respondent in the case known as the NEET impersonation scam, the court said since the students gamed tests held even outside the state, the fraud could be an all-India phenomenon and many students in various states may have secured admissions through the manner. (Audio in Hindi)
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Prime Time,Ravish Kumar,NDTV India,NEET,Medical entrance exam,all India exams,student suicide,Fingerprint scanner,Tamil Nadu,Impersonators in exams,CBI,Proxies for exams,EXAMINATION,EXAMINATION system in India,EXAMINATION system,परीक्षा व्यवस्था,नीट,